SENIOR (2022) Appeared in 19 games during the 2022 season and started in 14... Had two goals and three assists with 26 shots on the year.
JUNIOR (2021) Appearedin 15 of 17 games with three starts during the 2021 season... Recorded four shots on the year.
SOPHOMORE (2019) Appeared in 19 of 20 games with five starts in the 2019 season... Recorded seven points on three goals and one assist... Helped lead the Titans to their best start in program history with an 8-0 start to the season.
PRIOR TO CSF Attended Golden West College or one year... Were league and state finalists in his one season.
HIGH SCHOOL Attended Santiago High School in Garden Grove, Calif... Played two years on the varsity level... Had the most goals and assists on the team his freshman season... Were CIF finalists his sophomore year.
PERSONAL From Garden Grove, Calif... Parents are Alfredo and Aury Sotelo... Has one brother, Freddy and a sister, Jayline... Majoring in sociology at CSF... Wants to play soccer at the professional level after his collegiate career... Models his game after Cristiano Ronaldo becaus of his work ethic... Favorites include, Italian food (food), Lionel Messi (athlete), The Outsiders (movie), Travis Scott and Lil Skies (musical artists).
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