XC Set to Host PRs & Pancakes Fundraiser

Cross Country PR's and Pancakes Fundraiser. Saturday, August 27th at 9:30 AM.

FULLERTON, Calif. – The Cal State Fullerton Men's and Women's Cross Country teams invite family, friends, fans, and alumni to attend their 2022 PRs & Pancakes Fundraiser on Saturday, August 27th on the CSUF campus.  The event will begin at the Titan Track with the annual 5K & Kiddie Run (one mile) at 8 AM and 8:45 AM, respectively, followed by a breakfast and program at 9:30 AM at the Titan Gym Pavilion.

Guests will enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast and beverages, the chance to mingle with the student athletes and coaching staff, and a silent auction. Attendees are encouraged to wear their Titan gear and come ready to celebrate the upcoming season!

All proceeds from this event will directly benefit the Titan Cross Country program.   

Please register by August 24th.

Register Here: https://bit.ly/rsvp22xc


Saturday, August 27, 2022
8:00 AM 5K

8:30 AM Kiddie Run (One Mile)
9:30 AM Breakfast Fundraiser

5K & Kiddie Run: Titan Track
800 N. State College Blvd
Fullerton, CA 92831

PRs & Pancakes Fundraiser: Titan Gym Pavilion (northwest outdoor space nearest the Tuffy Lawn)
800 N. State College Blvd
Fullerton, CA 92831


Adult Ticket (5K & Fundraiser) - $75
Includes 5K run participation, breakfast, and 2 drink tickets for one guest
Value of goods & services: $12.92

Unable to Attend but Wish to Donate - $75

Please accept my donation of $75
Value of goods & services: $0.00

Youth Ticket - Age 12 & Under (Run & Fundraiser) -$40

Includes 5K or Kiddie Run participation, breakfast, and 2 drink tickets for one guest
Value of goods & services: $12.92

Adult Ticket (5K Only) - $40

Includes 5K run participation
Value of goods & services: $0.00


Youth Ticket - Age 12 & Under (Run Only) - $20

Includes 5K or Kiddie Run participation
Value of goods & services: $0.00

If you are unable to attend the event but would still like to show your support, click HERE to give a gift to the Cross Country/Track & Field Fund.

Register Here:  https://bit.ly/rsvp22xc

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Brendan Hallinan at 657-278-4988 or bhallinan@fullerton.edu.


For questions or to purchase your ticket(s):

BUY TICKETS ONLINE |(657) 278-2783|