Letter from the Cal State Fullerton Compliance Office

Letter from the Cal State Fullerton Compliance Office

June 12, 2007


Dear Titans Alumni, Parents and Fans:

Thank you for your support of Titans Baseball! We appreciate that support and we look forward to your continued spirit as we journey once again to Omaha. While we anticipate this tournament to be filled with fun and excitement, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of our need to maintain compliance with NCAA rules.

Please know that by virtue of your relationship with the University, you and your family are considered representatives of Cal State Fullerton's athletics interests. As such, providing a benefit or privilege of any kind to a student-athlete and/or their family members and relatives is prohibited per NCAA rules and regulations. Furthermore, any actions deemed impermissible per NCAA rules will jeopardize the eligibility of the student-athlete for the NCAA tournament, and subject Cal State Fullerton to further sanctions.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of situations that you should avoid as it relates to our players and their families:

&\#149; Providing any form of transportation;
&\#149; Purchase of drinks, snacks or meals;
&\#149; Access to events otherwise not available to the general public, regardless whether admission is being charged;
&\#149; Any items or services of value (free parking, telephone usage, or any form of entertainment);
&\#149; Discounts on merchandise or services;
&\#149; Arrangements for preferential or reduced cost lodging.

Our purpose in providing you with this information is to help raise awareness to situations that could result in unintended consequences. Should you have concerns or any questions regarding the NCAA rules and/or the permissibility of any actions, please do not hesitate to contact me and/or an athletics staff member. I can be reached at 714-278-3431 (work) or 714-308-2473 (cell). You can also email me at jbowse@fullerton.edu.

The goal of the Cal State Fullerton Compliance Office is to help every one of our student-athletes protect and preserve their ability to play the sport they love so dearly, and to safeguard the integrity of our Titans.

Again, thank you for your continued support, and go Titans!

Julie Bowse `79
Assistant Athletics Director, Compliance


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